Pet Nicknames
Simone has been a member of the Catz 'n' Ratz staff for only six weeks and already she has a couple of nicknames: Princess Hissy of Hissalot and McSkittersons.
MacDougall the Maine Coon also is known as Dougall, Dougie, Dougeroo, Dougums, Big'un, Coonie, Cooners, Cancoon (Cancun), and Cooneroo.
Toby is Tibbs, Mr. Tibbs, T, Mr. T, T-bone, Bones, Tibster, Tobster, The General, and The Squabbler.
It would take me all day to list Armand and Elsinore's nicknames.
Marcy Rat, Patty Rat, and Sally Rat have been dubbed (in order) Delivery Rat, Scaredy Rat, and Adventure Rat.
The tropical fish don't have nicknames. In fact, they don't even have names.
Do you nickname your pets, or is it my own weird fetish?
MacDougall the Maine Coon also is known as Dougall, Dougie, Dougeroo, Dougums, Big'un, Coonie, Cooners, Cancoon (Cancun), and Cooneroo.
Toby is Tibbs, Mr. Tibbs, T, Mr. T, T-bone, Bones, Tibster, Tobster, The General, and The Squabbler.
It would take me all day to list Armand and Elsinore's nicknames.
Marcy Rat, Patty Rat, and Sally Rat have been dubbed (in order) Delivery Rat, Scaredy Rat, and Adventure Rat.
The tropical fish don't have nicknames. In fact, they don't even have names.
Do you nickname your pets, or is it my own weird fetish?
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