Newest Catz 'n' Ratz Member

I was refilling the water jug in the aquatics department last weekend at Petco during my bi-weekly cat visit (I'm a Rescue House volunteer) when I saw him. Reddish-blue body, white and blue flowing tail..."My, what a pretty boy!" I thought. After my cat care shift, what do I do but grab my purse and the fish and head for the cash register. I couldn't resist. His name is, appropriately, Pretty Boy. (He's lurking on the right side of the bowl near the top of the stone arch.)
We've had a freshwater aquarium for around five years now. We've had bettas before, too, but not for several years. I had even Goodwilled my two betta bowls, so I headed to Wal-Mart where I found this oversized plastic margarita glass that works perfectly and cost less than $6. I cover his bowl with cheesecloth, because bettas can be jumpers.
Pretty Boy lives on top of a pantry cabinet in the kitchen where I keep a cookie jar, boxes of tea, various doodads, and this happy-looking yellow other words, my important things! Here, he's away from direct sun and the clutches of MacDougall and Simone McSkitterson. It's nice having a pretty betta keep me company when I cook, though I admit I feel a little funny when he's watching me cook salmon or trout!